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Emoji Meanings of the Symbols

In basic terms, emojis are evolved smileys. Due to widespread acceptance, the use of emojis has become popular in the last few years. The emergence of emojis all began in Japan. The word emoji was derived from the terms image – e – and character – moji. Putting the words image and character together gives you the word emoji, which means the facial image of a character.

1. History of Emoji

The term emoji has its origins from manga – Japanese comics. A software engineer created this technology at the beginning of the 90s. Emojis are considered imagery representations, which express gestures and facial expressions in human form or faces. Over the years, emojis have grown to include locations, objects, floras, animals, actions, events, and much more. In most cases, emoticons and smileys are translated into emojis on various social media applications and other internet services.

2. Emojis Now

In recent years, emojis have become more sophisticated to include an option for personalization of characters to include skin color, hair type, and more. This development has significantly increased the popularity of this technology. It is estimated that more than 90% of internet users use one form of emoji or another within their day-to-day online interaction.

3. How Emojis are Used

One reason for the universality of emoji use is that it transcends language barriers. People of all backgrounds can seamlessly communicate without necessarily writing a word. This ability is crucial as a large portion of human communication involves gestures and physical expressions. Therefore, emojis have allowed people to express themselves effectively when they are happy, sad, or excited. Looking ahead, the exponential rise of the use of digital communications makes the use of emojis even more critical. People are now able to express themselves in ways they were previously unable to. Additionally, emojis that are none human have giving users tremendous flexibility to expand further how they communicate.

4. Most Common Emojis and Meanings

A larger percentage of emojis used are facial or human expressions, which project positive vibes. Nonetheless, sad or angry emojis are still used. The most common emojis used are described below.

1. Happy Emojis

Smile emojis of different forms are used. These emojis include a smiling face, winking face, smirking face, and face with tears of joy. Other popular smile emojis with a bit of a romantic touch include kisses and heart-filled eyes.

2. Sad or Angry Emojis

A different variation of sad or angry emojis is also used. The sad face and angry face emojis are very popular with users. Other variations of similar emojis are also widely used. Other forms of emojis are extensively used, but not necessarily how they were designed to function. People all over the world have essentially altered the way some emojis to fit prevailing cultural habits. An example of this type of emoji is the ok emoji. In the western part of the world, the ok emoji is mostly used to mean that the situation is under control. However, in the east, especially in Japan, this same emoji is considered a sign of money.

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